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Fog & Stone Creative is the newly re-branded vision of Amanda. Visual works in a multitude of media will be present here. If you are looking to book a curated photo project with her, please use
But when Columbus and his companions reached the Americas, they landed at a Hispaniola outpost where Columbus had left nearly 40 men from his 1492 voyage of discovery. He returned to find all of those men dead, perhaps killed by the local Taino people.

Crew list

Cristoforo Colon (Christopher Columbus), captain-general.
Juan de la Cosa, owner and master.
Pedro Alonso Nio, pilot.
Diego de Arana, master-at-arms.
Pedro de Gutierrez, royal steward.
Rodrigo de Escobedo, secretary of the fleet.
Rodrigo Sanchez, comptroller.
Luis de Torres, interpreter.
the Contact Page